Quality Improvement Academy

In 2016, Quality University-Weill Department of Medicine (QUDoM) was the first program established at NYP/WCM to provide a pathway for junior faculty who are not traditional researchers to obtain mentorship and achieve academic scholarship while improving the quality and safety of hospital and ambulatory patient care. As of fall 2019, 14 WDOM physician and 4 nurses have graduated from the program. Fifteen projects have been completed across WCM uptown and Lower Manhattan campuses; 93% were integrated into standard practice with an additional two projects ongoing. Due to interest from other departments as well as NYP Nursing, we have expanded to include physician and nurse participants from the Departments of Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, and Surgery starting with the Class of 2019.

Since the start of the program, faculty mentorship of residents in QI has increased by fivefold in the Weill Department of Medicine. In addition, more than a third of the sponsored projects have included a total of 24 residents and fellows which help our department meet the CLER program core competency for direct faculty and resident project participation in quality improvement.

As of 2019, QUDoM has expanded across Weill Cornell Medicine as part of the College’s larger faculty development and mentorship efforts. It has been rebranded as Quality Improvement Academy-Weill Cornell Medicine (QIA-WCM) to reflect involvement of all departments. QIA-WCM will continue to prioritize the quality and safety goals of WCM and NYP while increasing the productivity and visibility of the institution’s commitment to high value, high quality care as a high reliability organization.


Classes by Graduation Year

Annual Quality Improvement/Patient Safety Symposium

Workshop Timeline

Project Timeline

July: Workshop 1
  • Project presentations
  • Fundamentals of QI
  • Team building
September: Workshop 2
  • Project presentations
  • Data gathering and display tools
  • Statistical Process Control Toolbox
November: Workshop 3
  • Project presentations
  • Run charts
January: Workshop 4
  • Mid-year leadership presentations
  • Shewhart charts
  • Manuscript Development
March: Workshop 5
  • Project presentations
  • Mentorship and Coaching
  • Appreciative Inquiry
May: Workshop 6
  • Final leadership presentation dry run
  • Promotions and Quality Portfolio
  • Negotiations
  • Finish manuscript and submit for publication
  • Mentorship of incoming QIA class, residents, medical students

  • Monthly QIA project advisory team meetings
  • Finalize literature review
  • Finalize: What are we trying to accomplish?
  • Identify data sources
  • Monthly QIA project advisory team meetings
  • Finalize driver diagrams, process maps
  • Finalize: How will we know change is an improvement?
  • Create data collection tools (surveys, databases)
  • IRB submission
  • Monthly QIA project advisory team meetings
  • Finalize data collection tools
  • Finalize: What change can we make that will result in an improvement
  • Monthly QIA project advisory team meetings
  • Create run charts
  • Begin PDSA cycles
  • Monthly QIA project advisory team meetings
  • Ongoing PDSA cycles
  • Convert to Shewhart charts
  • Begin data analysis, and results
  • Begin manuscript drafting
  • Monthly QIA project advisory team meetings
  • Final data analysis
  • Create grand rounds poster
  • Create grand rounds presentation

Contact Information

Quality & Patient Safety

Dr. Jennifer I. Lee, Vice Chair

Ericka Fong, Program Manager

[email protected]

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